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Rank and file: Getting the attitude right from the start

The level of experience and knowledge within the fire service is as big of a range as the personalities, but there is not always enough of an emphasis on sharing knowledge


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By Dr. Shana Nicholson, Faculty Member, Emergency and Disaster Management at American Military University

The U.S. Fire Administration reports that there are about 1.2 million firefighters in the United States. The level of experience and knowledge within the fire service is as big of a range as the personalities, but there is not always enough of an emphasis on sharing knowledge.

The fire service is wrought with tradition and dedication to helping others, yet it often fails to help young firefighters understand and respect these traditions in a positive way. We in the fire service must foster a positive attitude and a level of respect among the rank and file.

Many young and eager newbies enter the fire service wanting to charge into a fire scene to save the world with complete disregard for safety and authority. They quickly become “Facebook firefighters,” posting every scene on their social media accounts.

Full story: Rank and file: Getting the attitude right from the start

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