CHICAGO — A high-tech ambulance, set to debut at the 2016 Chicago Auto Show, will feature Google Glass integration, real-time driver feedback, fleet tracking and data reporting.
I spy...
With my little eye....
A MedEx ambulance on WGN’s broadcast of the 2015 Chicago Auto Show.— Dan Rosenberg (@Ne14O2) February 15, 2015 reported the MedEx ambulance will also be equipped with a collision avoidance dash camera, blind spot awareness, and autonomous braking.
MedEx believes the use of Google Glass could dramatically improve the quality of communication between paramedics responding to a call and emergency room doctors. Instead of communicating via two way radio or cell phone, paramedics will be able to transmit live audio and video from the ambulance to a physician, who can receive the feed on a tablet, smart phone, or computer.
“Google Glass is particularly helpful in medical situations involving health risks that require visual assessment for treatment, such as trauma, burns, cardiac arrest, strokes and seizures,” said MedEx CEO Lauren Rubinson-Morris.
The program will be launched with two Google Glass devices upgraded with software to allow paramedics to transmit live audio and video to hospitals. The devices will operate on an encrypted video platform to insure patient privacy and comply with HIPAA regulations.
So far, MedEx is the only ambulance service approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health to use Google Glass.