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SD EMS agency earns CAAS accreditation

The agency is the only EMS provider in the state with CAAS accreditation

Paramedics Plus

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Paramedics Plus, the 911 ambulance transport service for Sioux Falls, received accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services.

The accreditation recognizes that Paramedics Plus meets or exceeds nationally-accepted standards for patient care.

“We’re honored to be the only emergency medical services provider in South Dakota to hold this accreditation,” Michael Bureau, Paramedics Plus chief operating officer, said. “We’re excited for our high-quality patient care to be recognized by an industry leader.”

The CAAS accreditation process consists of a comprehensive self-assessment, application and on-site evaluation with industry experts who check for compliance in a variety of factors, including clinical standards, operations and risk management, communications, community relations and disaster coordination.

Paramedics Plus received the CAAS accreditation for a three-year term, which will expire in 2019. Emergency service providers must apply for the CAAS accreditation every three years to ensure the accreditation’s high-quality standards are maintained.