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Scary Halloween decoration results in 911 call

An early window decoration that said “help me” prompted Jay Thomas, a concerned neighbor, to call for help


By EMS1 Staff

WEST FARGO, N.D. — A scary Halloween decoration prompted concerned neighbors to call 911.

WDAY reported that Becky Muhs got a jump start on Halloween, her favorite holiday, by putting out an early window decoration that says “help me” that looks like it’s written in blood.

Muhs’ wedding anniversary is on Halloween, and her birthday is on Oct. 29.

“Halloween is kind of a good day for us,” she said.

The Muhs’ went out for dinner after putting up the decoration, and received several messages from neighbors asking if they were okay on their way home.

One neighbor, Jay Thomas, even called 911 after seeing the sign.

“I look across the street and I see in my neighbor’s window, the sign that says help me,” Thomas said. “That window has always had the curtains drawn. So I’m like, ‘what’s going on in here?’”

Before calling 911, Thomas said he saw a police cruiser parked down the street.

“So I go down there, I look in the car, the person in there just motions me to get out of here,” he said. “I’m like whoa, okay, something’s not right.”

Thomas messaged Muhs after calling for help.

“I didn’t answer and 15 minutes later, he’s like, ‘Are you okay are you okay, are you at home?’ And then I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘A sign, you have a sign on your window, help me,’” Muhs said.

Muhs assured Thomas she was fine, and the responding officer told her that these kind of calls occur all the time.

“To my defense, there were no other Halloween decorations out there,” Thomas said.

The two are still laughing about the incident.

“That was a talented terror there,” Muhs said.