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Girl, 7, saves dad in diabetic shock by calling 911

Jenna Viloria called 911 after realizing her father was not waking up; she got to meet the dispatcher she called that day and received a medal


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. — A seven-year-old who saved her dad’s life by calling 911 after he went into diabetic shock got to meet the 911 dispatcher she called that day. reported Jenna Viloria was at home with her father when she realized he wasn’t waking up. After calling her mom, Viloria called 911.

“My dad couldn’t wake up,” Viloria said. “And I wanted to help him so I could be like a real nurse.”

Dispatcher Amanda Poore answered Viloria’s call.

“In the beginning, it was frantic, because I knew she was young,” Poore said. “As the call went on, I realized she was really smart and it got a little calmer.”

At Poore’s request, Viloria began counting her dad’s breaths and relaying the information to Poore.

“If Jenna did not call 911 that day, my husband is [probably] in either a coma or he’s gone,” said Michele Viloria, Jenna’s mom.

Viloria’s father, Giobanni, said he was very lucky that his daughter was there and able to call 911.

“He kept on hugging me and kissing me on the cheek and forehead,” Viloria said.

Viloria got to meet Poore when she toured the 911 dispatch center. The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue service also presented her with a medal and a placard for her heroic actions.